How To Choose The Right Self-Inflating Air Mattress

Self-inflating air mattresses have become extremely popular in recent years, with one in four people in the UK buying one to help them sleep on the go. The convenience factor wins out with nearly eight in 10 users saying they’d prefer to use one rather than a traditional one, and 62% saying they’d use one when camping. Despite this seemingly endless array of choices, not all self-inflating mattresses are created equal, and knowing which one is right for you can be a daunting task. Here, we tell you exactly what you need to know in order to make the right choice for your needs.

How To Choose The Right Self-Inflating Air Mattress

How to choose the right self inflating air mattress for your needs

Features You Need

It’s pretty much impossible to overstate the importance of a good night’s sleep to your health and well-being. It may not always be the case but for the most part, you’ll be happier and healthier if you can get at least seven hours of sleep a night. The American Institute of Stress lists sleep deprivation as one of the top 10 causes of stress and anxiety, with a significant impact on quality of life. With this in mind, it’s important to look for a self-inflating mattress with certain key features. Let’s take a quick look at what you should and shouldn’t look out for:


When you’re sleeping on a mattress, you’re sleeping on something that is most often the size and shape of a double bed. For most people this is somewhere around six feet by seven feet, and for most people this means that the mattress offers plenty of room and is comfortable. To this end, you should expect to find a few layers of memory foam, latex, or a combination of the two. Additionally, you should expect to find some type of flexible fabric cover to keep you warm at night. In a nutshell, comfort is king or queen when choosing a good mattress.

Nowadays, some self-inflating mattress companies go the extra mile to ensure that their mattresses are as comfortable as possible, using specially designed technologies to layer on the comfort. In general, the more layers there are, the more comfort there is, but remember: it’s all about what you’re used to.


Speaking of comfort, durability is also a key consideration when buying a mattress. After all, you’ll be sleeping on this mattress for many years, with every bit of stress and strain taken directly on your shoulders. For this reason, you need to make sure that the materials used to construct the mattress are sturdy and won’t break down under heavy use or prolonged stress. To this end, you should look for mattresses that are either manufactured using strong materials or designed to fit snugly around your body’s contours to prevent slippage or shifting, causing potential discomfort.


One of the key factors that determine how well a mattress maintains its shape is how well it allows for proper breathing. Essentially, the better the breathing, the less likely it is for the mattress to collapse under its own weight. In order to achieve this, look for mattresses that use dual bladders — one for taking in air and another for letting out moisture. Of course, if you have a preference for a tank-less air mattress, this is an excellent option too.


Many people like to sleep disconnected from the hustle and bustle of the world, and that means they’ll be camping or traveling a lot. In order to accommodate these lifestyle changes, you need to look for a mattress that is easy to transport and can be stored easily in a tiny travel trailer. After all, this is also why 62% of self-inflating mattress users would consider using one when camping. This way, you can bring a mattress with you wherever you go and sleep as comfortably as possible. Of course, if you end up somewhere that doesn’t have an electric supply, it’s pretty much a deal breaker.


Finally, let’s not forget about affordability. In today’s day and age, plenty of good mattresses are within the reach of anyone who wants one. However, if you’re looking for an economical option, it’s important to keep in mind that not all cheap products are created equal. This is why you need to be careful when choosing a cheap mattress. First, ensure that it actually meets the required standards for comfort and durability. If it doesn’t, it’s definitely not worth the risk of buying something substandard.

At the end of the day, you need to find a mattress that suits your needs and lifestyle, and with these tips in mind, you’ll be able to make the right choice for yourself. If you want to read more articles like this, why not subscribe to Our Daily Blog? We post a new article every day, and it’s something you’ll definitely want to read!

Overall Standout Features

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge needed to make the right choice for your self-inflating mattress, it’s time to take a quick look at what specific features and attributes you should be looking out for.

Firstly, if you’re purchasing a mattress to help with allergy symptoms, you need to make sure that it’s free of harsh chemicals. These chemicals can cause or aggravate various allergic reactions in some people, especially those who are highly allergic to something. In some cases, the allergens can be so badly disguised that they’re difficult to pinpoint. For this reason, it’s best to purchase a mattress that is free of these chemicals and has been independently tested for allergens.

Secondly, if you have a partner who is also a heavy sleeper, take this fact into consideration before making any purchase. Depending on how each of you sleeps, you may require a different type of mattress. In some instances, a combination of firmness and layers may be required. To that end, it’s worth bearing in mind that a number of good mattresses are available with individual layers that can be removed. This makes them more versatile and means you may be able to find a mattress that suits both of your needs. If you’d like to read more articles like this, why not subscribe to Our Daily Blog? We post a new article every day, and it’s something you’ll definitely want to read!

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